HERO Forum21


The past 18 months have proved to be more challenging than ever as organizations have worked to combat the pandemic in the workplace. HERO, the Health Enhancement Research Organization, wants to help your organization combat those challenges and come back stronger.

This year’s annual event, HEROForum21, will be held October 12-15 in Austin, Texas at the Renaissance Austin Hotel. The theme of Bouncing Back: Boosting Mental Resilience and Building Organizational Immunity, HEROForum21 will explore the resiliency of organizations as they reshape and build up health and well-being initiatives, boost employee mental health, fight systemic racism and rebuild trust from the inside out through community partnerships.

The Forum will also dive into the topics of how workplaces have been impacted by the pandemic and the mental toll that has taken on employees and organizations. HEROForum21 will feature general sessions with guest speakers and panels discussing the topics that are most compelling to employers in today’s state of the world, as well as breakout sessions for smaller group discussions amongst peers.

COVID 19 restrictions will still play a role in this events execution and therefore in-person and live streaming agenda as well as on-demand sessions for remote attendees.

Registration is now open. To review the agenda and register visit: https://forum.hero-health.org

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