About Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces
Good Health is Good Business.
The Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces (GCHW) supports the advancement of workplace health and well-being through a series of initiatives designed to enhance shared learning, recognition and replication. The Global Centre seeks to create a healthier and more productive working experience for all employers and employees, irrespective of their size, location or circumstances. Formed in 2012, the GCHW is co-owned by i-genius Limited (based in the UK) and International Health Consulting (based in the USA). It is governed under the co-directorship of Tommy Hutchinson (i-genius) and Wolf Kirsten (International Health Consulting).
The Global Centre works closely with a range of prestigious partners with special mention of FIESC:SESI, International Association for Worksite Health Promotion (IAWHP); International Institute for Health Promotion at American University in Washington, DC (IIHP), Associação Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida (ABQV) and the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO).
International Health Consulting (IHC) is an independent health promotion consultancy with locations in central Europe and the United States. Armed with a network of over 250 international health promotion professionals worldwide, IHC can develop customized solutions that are tailored to local populations.
i-genius promotes entrepreneurship and social innovation worldwide. With a network spanning almost every country in the world, i-genius supports the development of social entrepreneurship, social businesses and the wider social economy. i-genius began trading in 2008 and is based in London and Dublin (i-genius Europe). It provides training, events and business development and support to its global community and partners.