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Note: The Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces is the host for the Global Healthy Workplace Awards & Summit.
The annual Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summits bring together employers engaged in creating a healthier and more productive working experience for their employees. COVID-19 has shown the world that sharing best workplace health and wellbeing practices is more important now than ever before.
Learn and Share
Participants at the 12th Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit have an opportunity to learn from the best programs in the world and are encouraged to share strategies on best practices.
Networking Potential
The 2024 Summit will comprise an intimate gathering of 150-200 chief executives, workplace health professionals, investor relations, media, academics and experts from around the world to discuss themes related to employee health, safety and wellbeing. The summit concludes with presentations from global workplace award finalists in three categories (SMEs, large enterprises and SMEs); previous winners include HSBC, Lendlease, GSK, Chevron, Unilever, IBM, Shell and Vitality USA.
High Profile Speakers
The summits draw prestigious expert presenters from organisations such as World Health Organisation, World Bank, OECD, government ministers as well as leading employers. You will learn from their research, workplace programmes and be able to benchmark yours to a standard of global excellence.
Thought Leadership
The global summits leverage our strengths in workplace health research and analysis, enabling us to curate agendas that deliver cutting edge content and discussion.
Delegate Exclusive
The online summit will also feature exclusive surveys, networking opportunities, Q&As and access to video recordings for attendees only.
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Awards & Summit provides the ideal platform to showcase your brand to a highly engaged and influential audience. For sponsorship opportunities, email us today: info@globalhealthyworkplace.org
The Global Healthy Workplace Awards (GHWAwards) is the first global awards program recognizing healthy workplaces. The GHWAwards is hosted by Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces and brings together leaders in global health and well-being. The GHWAwards are organized and hosted by two international partners; Wolf Kirsten International Health Consulting and i-genius. The Awards launched in April 2013 with its first global Awards Summit taking place in London, UK.
There are no entry submission fees for the Awards.
The Awards are open to ALL employer organisations (for profit and not-for-profit, local and international) in up to three categories:
+ Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): with under 500 employees who run exemplary programs.
+ Large Enterprises: with over 250 employees who run exemplary programs at one local worksite.
+ Multi-national Enterprises: employers with employees in different countries who run exemplary programs across multiple worksite locations and countries.
Applicants are assessed by our panel of independent judges solely on the basis of the quality of their workplace health applications.
The judges for the Awards are carefully selected from the different continents from distinguished backgrounds with in-depth knowledge in all areas and aspects relating to the GHWAwards. Our judges change on a two-year cycle to ensure fresh perspectives and diversity.
Awards Judges (2021-2024)
+ North America – Joseph A. Leutzinger, PhD, Wellness Directions, USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, FVG, Brazil
+ Europe – Evelyn Kortum, International Health and Safety Expert, Switzerland
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, FZ Safety & Health Centre, Ghana
+ Asia-Pacific – Dr Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, School of Health and Wellbeing, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Awards Judges (2019-2020)
+ North America – Joseph A. Leutzinger, PhD, Health Improvement Solutions [HIS], USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, ABQV, Brazil
+ Europe – Stephen Bevan, Institute for Employment Studies, UK
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, FZ Safety & Health Centre, Ghana
+ Asia-Pacific – Dr Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, School of Health and Wellbeing, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Awards Judges (2018)
+ North America – Joseph A. Leutzinger, PhD, Health Improvement Solutions [HIS], USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, ABQV, Brazil
+ Europe – Stephen Bevan, Institute for Employment Studies, UK
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, FZ Safety & Health Centre, Ghana
+ Asia-Pacific – Prof Cordia Chu AM, BSSc. MA., PhD. , Centre for Environment and Population Health, Griffith University, Australia
Awards Judges (2017)
+ North America – Joseph A. Leutzinger, PhD, Health Improvement Solutions [HIS], USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, ABQV, Brazil
+ Europe – Stephen Bevan, Institute for Employment Studies, UK
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, Ghana Health Service, Ghana
+ Asia – Dr. Geeta Bharadwaj, ArogyaWorld, India
Awards Judges (2016)
+ North America – Nico Pronk, HealthPartners, USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, ABQV, Brazil
+ Europe – Stephen Bevan, Institute for Employment Studies, UK
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, Ghana Health Service, Ghana
+ Asia – Dr. Geeta Bharadwaj, ArogyaWorld, India
Awards Judges (2015)
+ North America – Nico Pronk, HealthPartners, USA
+ South America – Alberto Ogata, ABQV, Brazil
+ Europe – Stephen Bevan, The Work Foundation, UK
+ Africa – Edith Clarke, Ghana Health Service, Ghana
+ Asia – Daphne Koek, Health Promotion Board Singapore, Singapore
Awards Judges (2013-2014)
+ Europe – Dame Carol Black – UK National Director for Health and Work, Chairman of the Nuffield Trust
+ North America – Georges Benjamin – Executive Director, American Public Health Association, US
+ South America – Alberto Ogata – President, Brazilian Association of Quality of Life (ABQV)
+ Asia Pacific – Annie Ling – Director, Adult Health Division of Health Promotion Board Singapore
+ Africa – Tracy Kolbe-Alexander – Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Benefits to Finalists (2 per category)
+ Opportunity to present and fully participate at the Global Healthy Workplace Awards & Summit. Please note travel and accommodation is not paid for.
Benefits to Award winners
+ Winner of the prestigeous Global Healthy Workplace Award.
+ Featured as part of a twelve month global healthy workplace promotional program.
GCHW takes the protection of data extremely seriously. Information provided as part of an application for either an Award or Certification is shared only with the individuals assessing the application, namely the assessors, judges, and administrators. It is not under any circumstances circulated to third parties other than for the purpose of aggregated research where the identity of the data providers will not be published without their express permission in writing. Winners of Awards and certified applicants may be listed on the GCHW website and in newsletters, social media and press releases along with a brief high-level resume of their business drawn from information already in the public domain (for instance, from the applicant’s own website) or from content provided by the applicant for this purpose.
Yes you can. Tickets will be made available online via eventbrite. For more information please contact: info@globalhealthyworkplace.org
The Summit provides the ideal platform to showcase your brand to a highly engaged and influential audience. For sponsorship opportunities, email us today: info@globalhealthyworkplace.org
In addition to its two international Co-Founders; International Health Consulting (Wolf Kirsten) and i-genius (Tommy Hutchinson), as well as its Marketing Director, Barry Crisp (Crisp Consultancy), The GHWAwards is supported by an expert Advisory Board:
+ Karl Kuhn – President & Co-Chair, European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP)
+ Nalini Saligram – Founder & CEO, Arogya World
+ Nico Pronk – President for Health Management at HealthPartners Institute
+ Pam Bolton – Global Health Partnerships, Tech Care for All (TC4A)
+ Karen Moseley – President Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO)
+ Pierre Vincensini – Adviser, International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
+ Robert C. Karch – Founder, International Institute for Health Promotion (IIHP) at American University in Washington, DC
+ Gloria Barone Rosanio – Author, Health Public Relations Professor, Rowan University