Advancing Mental Wellbeing During & Post COVID-19 with a Holistic Strategy Webinar
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
8am Los Angeles / 11am Washington, DC / 4pm London / 5pm Hamburg / 7pm Dubai / 8:30pm Mumbai
Duration: 60 minutes
A number of surveys in different countries have documented the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on mental health including the increase of anxiety and depression. Employers worldwide are scrambling to address the mental health challenge with increased communications and online resources. But how effective are these approaches and is a comprehensive strategy in place?
This webinar will highlight the mental wellbeing strategies and perspectives towards the new working world of the following three companies:
Novo Nordisk: Nadia El-Salanti, Denmark
IBM: Jonathan Gelfand, USA
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Brazil
1. What is the impact of the crisis on mental wellbeing?
2. How have you reacted or what have you put in place to address mental wellbeing?
3. How do you see the “new working world” – will it be better or worse for mental wellbeing?
Join this webinar hosted by the Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces and register your free ticket on eventbrite. Places are limited so book now.
Registration link: