HSBC – Multinational Employer – Awards Winner

  • HSBC

Awards Winner, 2021

Banking and Financial Services Organisation HSBC operates globally across 64 countries with approximately 220,000 employees. Supporting employees’ wellbeing is embedded in HSBC’s Global Principles “Our Values” and is included in the annual ESG report. The multinational employer has been advancing health, safety and wellbeing for over ten years, which is embedded in annual reports. The Eat Well Live Well program was launched in 2019, is available in four languages and has attracted 46,000 users since. The Global Stress Policy includes regular risk assessments and mental health awareness training for managers and staff has been rolled out virtually and in-person. HSBC is a founding partner of the Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health, launched in January 2021 at WEF’s Davos Dialogues. Global KPIs encompass employee access and interactions, global site implementation, sales of healthy choices and staff satisfaction and engagement.
