Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital – Large Employer
Awards Winner, 2020
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan
Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is located in Dalin Town in Taiwan and has been running a healthy workplace program for its 2000 employees and family members since 2006 with supervision from the top in the person of the Vice-Superintendent. The program offers an inclusive approach with the employee voice represented in various committees as well as the involvement of middle management. Addressing psychosocial risks is a key element of the program including the organization of work, prevention of workplace violence and harassment, prevention of work overload and fatigue index. The in-house Clinical Psychology Center is playing a key role during COVID-19 encouraging staff to use the existing counselling services and also made a video of breathing exercises and self-relaxation (shared on YouTube). The Dementia Center is designated to implement dementia early intervention programs in cooperation with 14 Community-Based Dementia Care Spots in 9 villages of Chiayi County. Lean management and quality control principles are applied for continuous improvement via quality control circles.