IAWHP Webinar Series Audio Archives
IAWHP’s Webinar Series brings first-rate worksite health promotion and related education directly to you. A list of audio archives from past events is below. For the newer webinars (September 2010 and later), full webinar archives are available.
These resources are available to IAWHP members only. Available upon request.
Global Healthy Workplace Awards Winner Hero Motocorp (Recorded March 2020)
Digital Health in the Workplace (Recorded September 2019)
A New Paradigm for Keeping Workers Safe and Healthy (Recorded June 2019)
Engaging the Middle Manager in Safety to Achieve Well-Being (Recorded January 2019)
From Culture of Wellness to Thriving Organization (Recorded August 2018)
Global Workplace Wellness through the CEO Cancer Gold Standard Frame (Recorded June 2018)
Developing a Social Network of Health Champions in Your Organization (Recorded January 2018)
A Culture of Health & Wellness: A Lincoln Industries Case Study (Recorded in November 2017)
Building Leadership and Cross-functional Support for Employee Wellness (Presented Live in October 2017)
Implementing Evaluation Techniques within a Worksite Setting (Presented live in March 2017)
Learning from Global Healthy Workplace Award Winners- The Unilever Case Study (Presented live in November 2016)
Utilizing Comprehensive Immersion Programs to Enhance Worksite Wellness Efforts (Presented live in June 2016)
Hitting the Sweet Spot- Advancing You Health Promotion Career (Presented live in February 2016)
Healthiest Workplaces in the World Webinar Series: Lan & Spar Bank Case Study (Presented live in December 2015)
Fit For Work: A Global Project to Improve Workability for People Living with Chronic Illness (Presented live in November 2015)
The M.E. Factors: Defining Value in Worksite Health Promotion (Presented live in August 2015)
Worksite Health Promotion: Basic Strategies for Success (Presented live in March 2015)
IAWHP Healthiest Workplaces in the World Series: IBM (Presented live in December 2014)
IAWHP Healthiest Workplaces in the World Series: Telfonica do Brazil (Presented live in November 2014)
IAWHP Healthiest Workplaces in the World Series: Spokane Regional Health District (Presented live in October 2014)
Win-Win: Making the Most of Your Internship Opportunities (Presented live in October 2014)
The Top 20 Healthy Workplaces in the World (Presented live in August 2014)
Designing Comprehensive Integrated Worksite Health Promotion Programs (Presented live in July 2014)
Best Practices as Building Blocks of Best Programs (Presented live in March 2014)
Women, Weight & Food: For All the Exercise I Do, Why Aren’t I Pencil Thin? (Presented live in January 2014)
Building a Coordinated, Systematic and Comprehensive Approach to Workplace Health Promotion (Presented live in November 2013)
Nutrition Dos and Don’ts for a Healthier Lifestyle (Presented live in October 2013)
The Impact of Expanding Wellness Strategies into Well-Being (Presented live in December 2012)
Workplace Wellness into the 21st Century (Presented live in June 2012)
Organizing Your Mind for Change (Presented live in February 2012)
To Reward or Not to Reward: The Million Dollar Question (Presented live in December 2011)
Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union and the United States (Presented live in November 2011)
Positive Emotions and High Performing Workplaces (Presented live in May 2011)
Building a Culture of Health: Moving to Human Capital Performance Best Practice (Presented live in March 2011)
The Key Components of Positive Culture (Presented live in December 2010)
Healthy Culture: A World View (Presented live in September 2010)
Incentives: The Third Pillar of Engagement? (Presented live in May 2010)
Wellness Leadership Coaching (Presented live in February 2010)
Helping People Change (Presented live in December 2009)
Converting the Fence Sitters: Practical Strategies to Engage the Hard to Reach (Presented live in September 2009)
What works in worksite health promotion: Systematic review findings and recommendations for assessments of health risk, influenza vaccination, obesity prevention, and tobacco use (Presented live in June 2009)
How Coaching Works (Presented live in April 2009)