IAWHP Global Connections
IAWHP aims to connect people with regional organizations and initiatives around the world that are relevant to IAWHP’s mission. Below, you’ll find the start of what we hope will grow to be a comprehensive list representing organizations and initiatives from around the globe. Contact the IAWHP to submit your organization or initiative as a link on this page. In the e-mail, be sure to include the name, website address, and a short description of the organization or initiative.
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion
Body@Work– (Netherlands) A joint initiative of the Institute fof Research in Extramural Medicine of the VU University Medical Center (EMGO-institute) and TNO Quality of Life. The mission is to develop knowledge on preventing and reducing physical inactivity and musculoskeletal disorders. The center aims to inform fellow scientists, policy makers and decision makers in trade, industry and government.
EMGO Institute– (Netherlands) One of five research institutes of the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, the institute’s actvities predominantly deal with research in primary care and public health, focusing on chronic diseases and ageing.
Mom@Work– (Netherlands) The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an early consultation by an executive with an employee during maternity leave on health problems and sick leave, and to assess which factors contribute to return-to-work after maternity leave.
AsiaPacific Wellness Forum (Informal group of mostly multi-national employers)
Health & Productivity Institute of Australia (Australia)
Indian Association of Occupationa Health – IAOH (India)
Health Promotion Board Singapore (Singapore)
Brazilian Quality of Life Association (Brazil)
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Workplace Health Promotion Portal– The site includes many health promotion resources including the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard (HSC), a tool designed to help employers assess the extent to which they have implemented evidence-based health promotion interventions in their worksites.
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN)– The AAOHN is the primary association for the largest group of health care professionals serving the workplace. AAOHN is dedicated to advancing and maximizing the health, safety and productivity of domestic and global workforces by providing education, research, public policy, and practice resources for occupational and environmental health nurses.