2024 Brasilia Summit, Getting Here, Location, and Hotels

How to get here
Summit Venue
SBN – Quadra 1 – Bloco C
Ed. Roberto Simonsen
Brasília – DF CEP 70040-903
Hplus Vision ExecutiveIt is about 1,2 km from CNISHN (Setor Hoteleiro Norte) | Quadra 01, Bloco F, Área especial A | Asa Norte
Manhattan Plaza – Situated in the heart of Brasília, near the Conjunto Nacional Shopping Mall.It is about 1,3 km from CNISHN Quadra 02 Bloco A, St. Hoteleiro Norte – Asa Norte
Windsor Brasília Hotel – Provides easy access to the Esplanade of Ministries and other tourist attractions.It is about 1,4 km from CNISHN Quadra 01 – Conj. A – Bl A
Athos Bulcão Hplus Executive – Located next to Brasília Shopping Center, with an outdoor pool and restaurant.It is about 1,7 km from CNISHN (Setor Hoteleiro Norte) | Quadra 05, Bloco D | Asa Norte
Let’s IdeaIt is about 2 km from CNI
Meliá Brasil 21 – Located in Asa Sul, it offers an outdoor pool, gym, and sauna.It is about 3 km from CNISHN, Quadra 5, Bloco B, Asa Norte
As recommended by our host partner SESI, These hotels are well-rated and offer a good location for those needing to be close to CNI – National Confederation of Industry.