Buck Consultants Global Wellness Survey
WORKING WELL: A Global Survey of Health Promotion, Workplace Wellness, and Productivity Strategies
+ Click here to take the survey!
+ Survey closes 15th April 2014
This survey, which is supported by the Global Healthy Workplace Awards and Summit is intended to measure strategies and practices related to health promotion, wellness, and productivity. These employer-sponsored initiatives focus on improving employee health and organizational performance by preventing sickness, chronic disease, and injuries. They do so by addressing behaviors and risk factors such as poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, excessive stress, and smoking. These factors can lead to serious and expensive health problems and impact workforce productivity.
Employer-sponsored strategies to reduce these risk factors may include raising awareness, educating, and encouraging employees and their families to adopt healthier lifestyles through various programs and incentives. They also may include creating a workplace environment that promotes health, wellness, and performance.
Throughout this survey questionnaire, we will use the term “health promotion and wellness” to refer to any and all of the aforementioned programs. We invite you to participate in this survey if you are responsible for wellness strategy at your company, either globally or at a country-specific level. If wellness strategy is handled country-by-country in your organization, we encourage you to invite your colleagues in other countries to also respond to the survey on behalf of their area of responsibility.
The survey closes 15th April 2014. Click here to take the survey!